Monday, November 18, 2013

How can we change the world?? (This seems impossible!!!)

I introduced the concept that my students have the potential to change the world in the last 20 minutes of my 6th grade gifted Language Arts class today.  The idea was received in many different ways. Some students looked at me with curiosity, some with anger and frustration that I wouldn't TELL them how to change the world, some asked about due dates, some stated, "We just don't have time with all that we have to do!"

Sounds a lot like many adults when presented with any kind of change.... 

I showed this video... and was surprised that it seemed so unbelievable and far fetched to a room full of minds that are so bright.

I did, however see a glimmer of hope in a few eyes. Hope that maybe this time "this teacher" will assign something meaningful and worthwhile.... or at least FUN! :)

More to come after another brief discussion tomorrow....

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